Goals and Wishes

Tom & Beth Hoffmann

It’s the New Year and a time to set goals and resolutions. I like goals, but for some reason I don’t care much for resolutions! One of my goals this year is to write a blog. I’m not sure anyone will read it, but what the heck! Hospice is so often misunderstood and I want to plug away at trying to clarify and enlighten others about this wonderful program of care.

Tom and I founded Hoffmann Hospice in January of 1995. The birth of Hoffmann Hospice came about while Tom and I were caring for a young mother in our home health agency. She was dying of AIDS, and her two young children were HIV positive. She requested to be referred to hospice care, which we did, but the hospice rejected her as a patient. AIDS was a scary disease at the time as well as very costly to treat. Tom spoke with her husband one day and asked him how he was doing- his reply was “How would you be doing if you were watching your family die right before your eyes?” Those haunting words are why Hoffmann Hospice , Kern County’s only full service non-profit hospice exists today. People deserve better. Our community deserves better.

Since that day we have been committed to educate people and our community on what hospice is, and what it is not. For my first blog entry I will tell you that HOSPICE IS NOT ABOUT GIVING UP HOPE. Many people think that if they choose hospice they are giving up hope, but that could not be further from the truth. Hope just looks a little different sometimes.

At Hoffmann Hospice one of the first things we like to do is talk to a patient about their goals and wishes and find out if they have a bucket list. We get so excited when we can help a patient reach their goal or realize a wish. Sometimes it is as simple as a nice dinner with their spouse or even a trip to a Broadway Show in New York (Yes we made that happen and sent a nurse along for support). Whatever it is, we are there to help the patient and their family navigate their journey. We too wish and pray for cures, but if a cure is not available – Hoffmann Hospice is. Hoffmann Hospice will be there for you…I promise.